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New Jersey Juvenile Crime Attorneys

There is a myth out there that juvenile criminal cases aren’t as serious as adult cases. That simply isn’t true, and failure to realize that could mean life-long consequences for you and your family. Because the records in these cases are usually sealed, parents sometimes think they don’t need to worry about mounting an aggressive criminal defense. Likewise, some parents even think the court will “go easy” on their child because of their age, reputation, or personality.

The reality is that the juvenile justice system in New Jersey is harsh, tough, and frequently unfair. The court is not on your side, and neither is the system. Parents and their criminally accused children can be in for a rude awakening when the legal proceedings don’t go the way they expect them to – and an even harsher reality awaits in the potential penalties that lie ahead.

Studies show that the punishments for juvenile offenses affect minors for many years to come, often for the rest of their lives. Juvenile incarceration significantly increases the likelihood of future criminal encounters and diminishes the likelihood of high school or college graduation. A bright future can seem further out of reach. And the psychological toll is unfathomable. There is hope, however, in the face of alleged juvenile offenses.  Aggressive legal teams of New Jersey juvenile crime lawyers may be able to help you and your family overcome these charges and protect your family’s future. Indeed, an effective legal defense could be the turning point in your child’s life, and it may be the most important decision you ever make for them.

If you or your child stands accused of criminal behavior, our experienced juvenile crime attorneys in Teaneck or Union City at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. can help. Contact us today.

Potential Juvenile Penalties

In New Jersey, when a juvenile (defined as any child under the age of 18) is charged with a delinquent act – such as theft, assault, sexual assault, rape, a drug offense, an alcohol offense, vandalism (including graffiti “tagging”), or even murder – the results can be life-altering. Your child could end up spending years in a locked juvenile detention facility (“juvenile hall” or “juvie”). Alternatively, in some cases, your child could even be tried as an adult and sentenced to an adult prison, despite his or her age.

As New Jersey criminal defense attorneys in Teaneck and Union City, it is our job to do everything in our power to help your child avoid the most severe penalties. In many cases, we are able to achieve a dismissal of the charges. In others, we may be able to negotiate a probation supervision rather than detention in a corrections facility. We will carefully review each available option in order to assess the best available outcome.

Typically, a judge who orders probation will also order the child to perform community service, pay financial restitution, enter a residential drug or alcohol treatment program, or get counseling.

It is important for parents to remember that children, just like adults, have sacred Constitutional rights. The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. can help to aggressively, passionately, and strategically defend those rights. Remember: The U.S. Supreme Court has held that children accused of juvenile offenses have the same fundamental legal rights as adults. Those include the rights to due process and an effective criminal defense by New Jersey Juvenile crime attorneys. Children also have the right to not incriminate themselves. In other words, they do not have to testify against themselves.

Supreme Court Justice Fortas once wrote, “Under our Constitution, the condition of being a boy does not justify a kangaroo court.” We agree, and we take that sentiment seriously. Your child’s life, freedom, and future are no laughing matter. We take them seriously, and we will defend them.

Speak with ourNew Jersey Juvenile Crime Lawyers

Whether you got a call from the police today or your child has already been involved in the juvenile justice system for years, please contact our office today. We will vigorously protect your child’s rights – and your rights as parents.

We understand that domestic situations are often complicated. You can count on us for judgment-free compassion. We are here to help whenever we can. The stakes for you and your family could not be higher. Please take urgent action to protect the people whom you love. No one deserves to pay for a mistake with their future.

Contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. at (201) 928-0300  to speak with our New Jersey juvenile criminal defense attorneys today. Our law firm has two offices in Teaneck and Union City, and we offer our legal services to all of New Jersey.