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Theft Defense Attorneys in Teaneck and Union City

Theft is a rather vague term, and it might apply to be a broad range of activities. It’s important to realize that being accused of a theft crime in New Jersey is not necessarily the same thing as actually being guilty of that crime.

As a matter of fact,theft charges are among the most over-charged and over-prosecuted crimes in America. Police often do not understand the very precise elements of a specific theft crime. They may arrive at a scene and rush to judgment, relying on inadequate evidence or hasty assumptions to come to a questionable conclusion.

Did you know that many people charged with theft in New Jersey never realized they were doing anything “wrong?” So many of these cases boil down to a giant misunderstanding. It’s important to realize this because your intentions are extremely relevant. Most theft-related offenses require criminal intent for conviction. Unfortunately, the prosecutors in this state are relentless. They will throw the book at you and do everything they can to score a serious conviction. Even if you are in the right, fighting them is an uphill and terrifying battle – unless you have an experienced and aggressive lawyer on your side.

Experienced New Jersey Theft Crime Representation

Our theft crimes attorneys Teaneck and Union City at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. are ready to do what it takes to put you in the best possible position for victory. Our goal is to get the charges against you dismissed whenever possible. We want to see you go home a free person, with confidence, peace of mind, and the glowing reputation you deserve. The potential penalties are steep, so don’t delay. Contact us today.

Types of Theft Charges in New Jersey

Part of the confusion in theft cases is that so many different situations might be thought of as “theft.” There are many theft-related criminal offenses in our state.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Armed robbery
  • Auto theft (vehicle theft)
  • Bank fraud
  • Burglary
  • Computer theft
  • Credit card fraud
  • Forgery
  • Internet fraud
  • Robbery
  • Shoplifting
  • Theft of services
  • Writing bad checks

Severity of Punishment

The degree and severity of the punishment in a given case will depend on a variety of factors, including the value of the property stolen.

For example:

  • 2nd degree, punished by a prison sentence of up to 10 years for property valued tat more than $75,000, controlled substances, government benefits, human remains, or property stolen through extortion
  • 3rd degree charges result in up to 5 years in prison for property stolen that was more than $500 but less than $75,000, including firearms, vehicles, and controlled substances
  • 4th degree charges include property stolen that was valued at more than $200 but less than $500 as well as credit card fraud and can results in a prison sentence of us to 18 months

At, the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., we get to work as soon as our clients hire us. Time is of the essence, and we won’t waste a second of it.

When you hire our New Jersey theft crime attorneys, we’ll start taking a hard look at the evidence against you, the police reports, any eyewitness reports, your side of the story, and every other relevant consideration. Our job is to fight for your rights and to hold the police accountable to the letter of the law.

You might be surprised by how often the police make a mistake that causes your whole case to get thrown out – or how often the facts simply do not match the strict and specific legal criteria for pressing a particular charge. Call us to find out how we might be able to help.

Contact New Jersey Theft Lawyers in Teaneck & Union City

Facing theft charges in New Jersey? Don’t give up. Take action. Now.

The sooner you contact us, the better. Remember: This is extremely urgent, and the stakes are very high.

We pride ourselves on being the kind of confidential, compassionate, and judgment-free lawyers you can trust. Our record of results speak for itself, but we want you to know that we care about what happens to you. For legal assistance with your theft case, call or contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. Our highly experienced attorneys serve all of New Jersey for theft defense matters.