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Teaneck, NJ Traffic Ticket Lawyer

In an effort to protect the public and drivers on the road, the state of New Jersey has put in place a variety of traffic laws. You are expected to educate yourself and adhere to these laws at all times, regardless of the circumstances. This means that not being aware of a law is not a valid excuse in the eyes of the law.

At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., we represent clients against all types of criminal charges. We have more than 15 years of experience defending both misdemeanor and felony traffic offenses.

Contact us today at (201) 928-0300 to discuss your case with a Teaneck traffic violations attorney.

Fighting for Drivers’ Rights Across New Jersey

Many people make the mistake of believing there are not serious punishments for these types of crimes, but this is not the case. Traffic crimes can carry heavy penalties, including the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license.

There are many different reasons why people get in legal trouble for traffic crimes. You could find yourself under arrest for multiple citations, traffic tickets having stacked up against you, or as a result of a felony traffic crime. After you have been arrested for a traffic offense, we can provide you with the aggressive defense you need.

A few examples of the traffic crimes we defend include:

  • Reckless driving
  • Hit and run
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Racing or speeding
  • Fleeing to elude
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Driving without a license
  • DUI
  • Vehicular manslaughter
  • DUI manslaughter
  • Reckless driving with injury

Choose an Experienced New Jersey Traffic Ticket Lawyer

There are many effective ways to fight criminal accusations of this nature, depending on the circumstances of your arrest. Hiring a New Jersey traffic ticket attorney to represent you is essential if you wish to protect your future and your driving privileges. Whether you are concerned that law enforcement officers made a mistake in your arrest or there was an illegal search and seizure, we are dedicated to thoroughly investigating your case.

Please contact our firm at (201) 928-0300 to set up an initial consultation with our New Jersey traffic law attorneys. Our two offices are located in Teaneck and Union City and serve all of New Jersey.