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Elizabeth Truck Accident Lawyer

If a truck accident severely injured you or your loved one, call the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. We will listen to the facts of your case and advise you of legal options available to aid in your recovery.

At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., we understand the differences between auto accidents and commercial truck accidents. Our Elizabeth truck accident lawyers are compassionate, empathetic, and ready to help you face the struggles associated with your injuries. We will not allow trucking companies and others to avoid the responsibility they share for your losses.

Our attorneys are:

  • Client-focused;
  • Driven to meet your goals and expectations; and
  • Knowledgeable and experienced in trucking industry laws.

Let the truck accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. fight for the justice and compensation you deserve. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation and claim review.

An Elizabeth Truck Accident Attorney Can Help You

After we answer your questions and explain the truck accident claims process to your satisfaction, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. begin the extensive task of claim building. Developing a trial-ready case takes prompt investigation into the circumstances surrounding your accident.

Ensuring a strong claim means immediately:

  • Securing evidence;
  • Investigating the accident scene;
  • Reviewing police reports and traffic camera footage;
  • Examining the trucking company’s safety record;
  • Reviewing the truck driver’s safety record;
  • Procuring the truck’s black box accident information;
  • Interviewing any accident witnesses; and
  • Hiring any needed experts.

While most truck accident claims settle before trial, the Elizabeth car accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. are aggressive litigators. We will take your case to trial, if appropriate. Call our firm now to start your case review.

Common Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or FMCSA, regulates the commercial trucking business in the United States. Along with setting safety rules and standards for truckers and trucking companies, the FMCSA reviews commercial truck accidents to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

According to the FMCSA, common causes of truck accidents include the following:

  • Prescription and over-the-counter drug use;
  • Braking issues;
  • Previous crash ahead;
  • Traveling too fast for conditions;
  • Unfamiliar roadway;
  • Failure to stop in time; and
  • Driving drowsy.

Although the FMCSA sets truck drivers’ hours of service, many drivers are under pressure to deliver loads as quickly as possible to increase productivity.

Other causes of truck accidents include:

  • Faulty equipment or systems;
  • Poor maintenance and repairs;
  • Improper loading of cargo; and
  • Failure to inspect the truck or load.

Liability in Commercial Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are unique because it takes several parties to keep a commercial truck and trucking company on the road. This leaves several parties potentially liable for the damages that result from a commercial truck accident.

Liability for a truck accident may reside with any one, or more, of the following:

  • The driver;
  • The trucking company;
  • The truck manufacturer;
  • A faulty parts manufacturer;
  • The shipping company; and
  • The maintenance provider.

The above is not a complete list of potentially liable parties. Determining liability in a truck accident takes a thorough investigation by an experienced Elizabeth truck accident lawyer. Each party in a truck accident will carry an insurance policy, and no carrier will be quick to accept blame.

Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer Today

If you need an investigation into your truck accident, contact the personal injury attorneys with the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. Evidence fades with time, so it is essential to start building your case as soon as possible. Our firm has the resources needed to take on the largest trucking and insurance companies.

Keep in mind that New Jersey places time restrictions on filing truck accident claims. Call our legal team to find out how long you have to file your truck accident lawsuit and how we can help you.