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Englewood Car Accident Attorney

After a severe car accident injures you or causes the death of your loved one, you need a legal team that can answer your questions and help put your mind at ease. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our Englewood car accident attorneys use their more than ninety years of combined legal experience to offer you and your family the sound legal advice and personalized strategies needed to resolve the most complex accident claim.

Call the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. for a free consultation at your earliest convenience. Our car accident attorneys are:

  • Results-driven;
    Experienced in all areas of car accident law and litigation; and
    Successful in obtaining millions in verdicts and settlements for victims of accidents.

Take action and start the claims process with the car accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. We will strive to get you the compensation you need to pay for medical bills, ongoing treatment or surgeries, vehicle repairs or replacement, and lost wages. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only collect fees when we obtain compensation for you.

Let Our Englewood Car Accident Lawyers Help You

Do not compound your car accident stress and strain by attempting to handle your legal claim. Insurance companies have teams of adjusters and attorneys on their side working tirelessly to meet their goals. You should have professionals on your side to represent your interests as well.

At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our car accident attorneys handle your accident claim from start to finish allowing you the opportunity to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally from your injuries. Our firm deals with all insurance companies’ calls and correspondence as well as any accident-related creditors.

Legal claims are complicated. Unless you have extensive knowledge of the law and how it pertains to accident victims, you need a car accident attorney for the following, and more:

  • Obtaining all relevant accident-related evidence;
  • Hiring needed experts;
  • Assessing your total losses;
  • Negotiating a settlement with the insurance company(s); or
  • Taking your case to trial.

Contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. to find out more about the car accident claims process and what it takes to build a comprehensive accident claim. We look forward to speaking with you and discussing the legal options available in your case.

Types of Car Accidents

Car accidents pose a risk to every driver and passenger in the United States and in Englewood. In 2019 alone, car accidents killed more than thirty-nine thousand people and injured another four and a half million more.

There are several types of car accidents drivers should watch for and attempt to avoid on roadways across the United States and New Jersey, including:

  • Head-on collisions;
  • Rear-end collisions;
  • Side-impact or T-bone collisions;
  • Sideswipe collisions;
  • Single-vehicle accidents;
  • Rollovers; and
  • Multi-vehicle crashes.

Of these accidents, head-on collisions, side-impact collisions, and single-vehicle accidents account for a disproportionate number of fatalities. Rear-end collisions are the most cited car accident.

Causes of Car Accidents

The most common cause of car accidents in the United States is distracted driving. Distracted driving is driving without focusing on the activity of driving. Distracted driving may be driving while doing anything else, including, but not limited to:

  • Eating;
  • Texting;
  • Reading;
  • Talking on the phone or to a passenger;
  • Using the GPS; or
  • Discipling children.

Other causes of car accidents may include:

  • Speeding;
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • Drowsy driving;
  • Poor vehicle maintenance;
  • Driver inexperience;
  • Aggressive driving; and
  • Driving inappropriately for weather conditions.

Car Accident Injuries

Regardless of advances in vehicle safety equipment, use of infant car seats, and increased use of safety belts, car accidents still result in injuries and fatalities. Severe car accidents can leave victims with a range of injuries such as:

  • Bruises and cuts;
  • Broken bones and fractures;
  • Amputated limbs;
  • Burns;
  • Whiplash;
  • Head and neck injuries;
  • Brain injuries, including traumatic brain injury; and
  • Spinal cord damage, including paralysis.

If you or a loved one suffered any serious car accident injury through no fault of your own, call an Englewood car accident attorney. New Jersey allows victims of car crashes to recover from medical expenses, lost wages, loss of future income, and other accident-related losses. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., we help people just like you get the compensation needed to move ahead with their lives.

Call a Car Accident Attorney Today

Call our office now (201) 928-0300. There is no risk to you. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., your claim review and consultation are free, and we only charge fees when we recover compensation on your behalf.