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Jersey City Car Accident Attorney

If you or your loved one suffered serious injuries in a car accident, the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. can help. Contact our Jersey City car accident attorneys for a free case review and consultation today. We handle complex car accident cases regularly and secure fair and full compensation for accident victims.

Our car accident lawyers have more than ninety years of combined legal experience. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, our goal is to provide you with:

  • Tailored legal representation;
  • Prompt and compassionate legal services; and
  • Aggressive, results-driven negotiators and trial advocates.

Our law firm is a well-respected and recognized personal injury firm with a track record of securing millions on behalf of our clients. We work on a contingency fee basis meaning we only collect fees when we win compensation on your behalf. Call us with your questions today.

Why Choose Us?

The Jersey City car accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. are competent, skilled legal representatives who will stand by you throughout your case. We will guide you through the car accident claims process from evidence collection to settlement, or potentially a trial. Our attorneys strive to protect your legal rights and hold any negligent parties responsible for your losses.

After answering your legal questions and setting your mind at ease, the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. puts our resources to work building your car accident claim. This includes the following, and more:

  • Investigating the cause of your car accident;
  • Determining the liable parties;
  • Identifying all sources of compensation;
  • Hiring needed experts;
  • Assessing the value of your current losses and future accident-related needs;
  • Negotiating a fair and just settlement with the insurance company(s); and
  • When necessary, proceeding with litigation.

Most car accident claims settle outside of court. Rest assured, the car crash attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. are experienced litigators and will take your case to trial when appropriate.

Call our office today to schedule your free case review and learn more about the benefits and services offered by our legal team.

Jersey City auto accident attorneys

Causes of Car Accidents

Most car accidents are the result of human error or negligence. Negligence takes many forms, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Distracted driving;
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • Speeding;
  • Drowsy driving;
  • Aggressive driving;
  • Failure to follow traffic signals; and
  • Unsafe lane changes.

The most cited reason for car accidents in the United States is distracted driving. However, driver error is not the reason for every car accident. Other responsible parties might include:

  • State or local governments for poor road conditions;
  • Vehicle manufacturers due to vehicle defects; and
  • Vehicle part manufacturers because of defective vehicle parts.

Car Accident Injuries

While any type of car accident can cause a range of injuries, or even death, to a victim, some of the most cited car accident injuries are:

  • Bruises and contusions;
  • Lacerations;
  • Broken bones and fractures;
  • Whiplash;
  • Head and brain injuries, including traumatic brain injury;
  • Neck and back injuries;
  • Spinal cord injuries, including paralysis; and
  • Internal organ damage.

What Damages Can I Recover?

It is the intent of New Jersey’s laws enacted for the award of damages to place the injured party in the same financial position as if the accident had not occurred. Unfortunately, the laws of civil procedure can only provide monetary compensation to an injured party to achieve this intent. The financial compensation is also known as damages, and it is the goal of the personal injury attorney to work toward the compensatory damage award being fair and reasonable.

In New Jersey, the financial compensation for damages falls within the categories given and explained below.


The economic damages to be recovered by the injured party are the out-of-pocket expenses paid net of any proceeds paid by this party’s insurance carrier. These expenses can include:

  • Past and future expenses for medical treatment and therapy;
  • Lost wages;
  • Loss of future earning capacity; and
  • Vehicle damage.

The above expenses, and any other directly resulting from the accident, are tangible and can be easily proven with paid receipts, pay stubs and medical records.


The non-economic damages are intangible and cannot be proven by written evidence. However, these intangible damages are real and are the direct result of an accident. These damages can include:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Mental distress and anguish; and
  • Loss of consortium.

These and other types of non-economic damages are supported by journals kept by the injured party and the testimony of medical and psychological experts.


Unlike the economic and non-economic damages that measure the value of the claim by the injured person, punitive damages are awarded to punish the responsible party for its negligent act. This award type is less common in personal injury claims.

The State of New Jersey imposes a cap, or a maximum limit, on punitive damage awards. Currently, the cap is the greater of $350,000 or 5x the award for economic and non-economic damages.

Does My Insurance Policy Affect My Ability to Sue for Damages?

Yes. It is important for drivers to know and understand the coverages and the limits provided under their policy.

New Jersey is a no-fault state, and all drivers are required to carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage and liability. It is the limits under the PIP coverage that is the choice of a driver.

Regardless of fault, the injured party must first file a claim with its own insurance carrier to receive compensation for economic damages up to the coverage limits. Often, PIP covers only medical expenses, but coverage can be expanded to include lost wages and the basic expenses of household duties.

The injured party then makes a claim against the responsible party when the limits of the PIP coverage is depleted.

As for the claim of non-economic damages against the other driver, the ability to seek relief will also be predicated on the type of insurance policy carried by the injured party. Under a basic policy, the ability to seek non-economic relief is limited to injuries that are deemed permanent and severe. A standard policy with an unlimited right to sue will enable an injured party to seek and receive damage awards under the economic and the non-economic categories.

However, all of the above is dependent upon the allocation of fault between both drivers under New Jersey’s comparative negligence laws.

What is Comparative Negligence?

New Jersey has enacted comparative negligence laws to apply in cases of car accidents. It is this law that allocates the responsibility of both drivers for the accident. The range of the allocation is between 0% and 100%.

The law of comparative negligence will reduce the injured party’s damage award by the percentage of its responsibility. The driver allocated 51% or more of fault cannot seek or recover any damages over and above the PIP coverage of their policy.

The Statute of Limitations

Although most damage claims resulting from car accidents settle without the necessity of a court trial, it is important to know the time period set for these claims is two years from the date of the accident. There are exceptions to this statute, but the exceptions are limited and narrow.

If a damage claim is not filed in a New Jersey civil court within this two-year time period, then it is most likely that the right of the injured party to seek relief will be forever barred.

How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help My Case?

After a car accident occurs, individuals that are not well-versed with the legal system may be left confused, wondering where to turn. 

That’s where attorneys come in.

Due to the nature of the legal industry, it is best to hire a car accident attorney that is familiar with the federal, state and local regulations regarding auto accidents. Hasson Law Offices is well-versed in this area as the firm has more than nine decades of combined legal experience. 

Hiring an auto accident attorney for your case can help in the following ways:

  • Hiring an Attorney Can Help Recover a Higher Settlement – Personal injury victims that hired attorneys recovered damages that measured 440% higher than those without professional legal representation. 
  • Perform Research – A reputable car accident attorney will take the necessary amount of time to investigate the accident. Depending on the cause of the accident, the attorneys representing your case can identify the contributing factors that led to the accident. If the other party was engaged in distracted driving behaviors, like texting and driving, the auto accident attorneys can subpoena phone records and additional documentation to support the injury claim.
  • Correspondence – An attorney will deal with insurance company representatives, as well as other parties pertinent to the matter, while injured victims focus on what’s most important – their recovery. A lawyer will help navigate communication with all of the appropriate parties.

In addition, attorneys have a more neutral attitude and approach with regards to emotions in a case. After an injury is suffered, victims can have strong feelings towards the defendants and these emotions can potentially cause harm to their case. An attorney can speak on their client’s behalf to help their case.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney in Jersey City Today

Car accident injuries are costly and may require lifelong medical care. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., we work with victims of severe car accidents to get the compensation needed to pay for accident-related injuries and losses. Our Jersey City personal injury lawyers also help families of wrongful death victims achieve a sense of justice and closure after a devastating car accident. Contact us today for your free consultation.