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Newark Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents can leave victims in pain, shock, and frightened about the future. Vehicle damage and repairs can make it challenging to get to work or to doctor appointments. Or, injuries may make it impossible to work.

If you or your loved one suffered severe injuries in a car accident, call the Newark car accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. We can answer your accident claim questions and help set your mind at ease. No one should face the aftermath of a serious car accident alone; let the professionals at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. handle the legal claims process so you can focus on healing.

Our seasoned Newark car accident attorneys are:

  • Compassionate and caring legal advisors;
  • Prepared to fight to hold negligent parties responsible for your injuries; and
  • Successful in securing millions in compensation for injury victims through both settlements and court verdicts.

Contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. today to schedule your free consultation. We will fight to protect your legal rights and only charge you legal fees when we win compensation for you.

Newark Car Accident Legal Resources

Why Choose Us?

At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our New Jersey car accident attorneys assist you in numerous ways with your car accident claim. We are your allies from the beginning of your case to the very end, whether that is a successful settlement or a trial.

Our personal injury attorneys place insurance companies on notice that you are serious about your claim and mean to pursue fair compensation for your losses. We also do the following:

  • Investigate your accident;
  • Interview witnesses;
  • Determine all liable parties;
  • Identify any sources of compensation;
  • Handle all insurance company correspondence;
  • Estimate your total losses, current, and future;
  • Hire needed experts;
  • Calculate and demand a fair settlement amount;
  • Inform creditors of a pending claim;
  • Settle your claim; or
  • Move forward with litigation.

Learn more about the car accident claims process and the vast array of services offered by the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., by contacting our personal injury attorney in Newark today. We want to help you meet your claim goals and achieve the sense of closure and justice you deserve.

What are Common Types of Car Accidents in Newark?

Although there is no way to prevent many car accidents, knowing their types and causes can help vigilant drivers avoid some accident conditions and their resulting injuries.

Commonly cited car accidents include:

  • Rear-end collisions;
  • Sideswipe accidents;
  • Head-on collisions;
  • T-bone or side-impact collisions; and
  • Single-car crashes

Rear-end collisions are among the most common of the above accidents. Rear-end collisions are often the result of distracted driving, such as the following:

  • Driving while texting;
  • Driving while on the phone;
  • Eating and driving; and
  • Using the vehicle GPS or sound system while driving

Sideswipe collisions are the least likely to cause severe injury or damage than any of the above accident types. Like rear-end collisions, sideswipe collisions regularly result from distracted driving.

Head-on collisions and T-bone collisions are the most dangerous and potentially deadly of all crashes. Head-on collision fatalities are often due to drivers who fall asleep at the wheel, speed excessively, and drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Reckless and careless drivers who ignore traffic signs and signals, crashing into the side of another vehicle, cause severe injuries and fatalities to all involved in a T-bone collision. There is very little protection to a side passenger in a side-impact crash.

Single-car crashes involve only one vehicle and may be minor or significant depending on the object hit by the car and the speed that the car was traveling. An impact may result in debilitating or deadly injuries when the driver crashes into a large inanimate object.

What are Common Injuries Suffered After a Car Accident?

As with car crashes, car accident injuries vary depending on a variety of factors such as:

  • Speed;
  • Vehicle type;
  • Accident configuration; and
  • Use of safety equipment.

Car accident injuries include, but are not limited to:

If you need to discuss your car accident injuries, medical expenses, or another accident-related issue, call the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. Our Newark car accident lawyers can recommend specialists and other injury services to help in your recovery.

Is New Jersey a No-Fault State?

Yes, the state of New Jersey is a no-fault state. What this means for drivers is that they are paid a claim by their own insurance company regardless of who is at fault for the accident, hence the term “no fault”.

Drivers are required to carry what is known as a “Personal Injury Protection” coverage plan. This plan allows them to file a claim against their own insurance company after an accident for damages up to a specified limit. Most drivers will file this type of claim before they are able to seek other types of coverage. 

New Jersey also requires drivers to carry liability insurance as well. This is so that drivers injured in a car accident have a second avenue for compensation. Dealing with no-fault accident claims is a complicated process. Our New Jersey personal injury attorneys have the experience to help you file your claim and get the compensation you deserve from your Newark car accident. 


Comparative Negligence & Car Accident Claims

Although New Jersey is a no fault state, it uses the law of comparative negligence to determine compensation. This law reduces the amount of compensation a person receives based on the amount of responsibility a person holds for an accident

For instance, if a person is 20% responsible for the accident, that amount is reduced from any future injury award. The person who is deemed to have the majority of responsible for the accident is unable to seek damages. 

What Damages Can Auto Accident Victims Recover in Newark?

We know that no amount of money can make a person or family whole after a car accident, however, it is important to know the types and amounts of compensation you may be eligible for so that you can begin the recovery process and begin to rebuild your life after the accident. Let our injury lawyers help you get the compensation you need. 

A car accident claim typically involves damages in the following three categories:

Economic – Economic damages consist of the financial costs of the accident for the victim. This includes things like lost wages, lost earning potential from injuries due to the accident, medical bills, future medical expenses, legal expenses, vehicle damages, travel expenses and incidental costs related to the accident. Receiving damages for these losses involves producing evidence of losses such as pay stubs and medical bills. 

Non-EconomicNon-Economic damages are the costs of the accident for the victim that aren’t financial. Things like emotional distress from the incident, the ongoing pain and suffering, mental and emotional trauma, and loss of consortium or the damage to relationships. While these damages are generally more difficult to prove, victims may keep an injury journal or request help and testimony from medical professionals. 

Punitive – Punitive damages are a type of damage that seeks to punish the person at fault for harmful, malicious, and negligent actions. If there is intent to cause harm or excessive recklessness, While less common in injury cases than economic and non-economic damages, the court may make the determination that punitive damages are necessary based on the behavior or intent of the defendant. 

New Jersey currently only imposes a limit on compensation from punitive damages. This limit is set to 5 times the total amount of compensatory damages or $350,000 whichever is greater. This limit is set to avoid excessive punitive damage awards. Contact one of our injury attorneys to discuss your specific situation to determine your potential damages.

Contact Us

At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., we help victims of severe car accidents and their families with more than compensation for their losses. We help them realize their goals, including justice for their loved ones and a sense of closure for this chapter in their lives. Contact us for a free consultation anytime.