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Paterson Personal Injury Attorney

If a negligent, or reckless, person hurt you or a family member through no fault of your own, call the personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. We can answer your legal questions and inform you of your legal rights. Our Paterson personal injury attorneys recognize the struggles you face and are compassionate about helping you regain your best possible life.

The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. uses its more than ninety years of combined legal experience to stand and fight for injured residents of Paterson. Our personal injury lawyers are:

  • Respected negotiators and litigators;
  • Client-oriented and respectful; and
  • Successful advocates, securing millions in verdicts and settlements.

Let one of the seasoned attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. guide you through the legal claims process while preparing a case based on your personal legal goals. Your consultation is free, so call the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. at (201) 928-0300 or contact us online today.

Why Hire Our Injury Lawyers

Insurance companies have teams of adjusters and attorneys on their side. Retaining your own personal injury attorney levels the playing field and tells the insurance company you are serious about your claim. Plus, studies show that having a personal injury attorney gives you a better chance at a successful claim.

The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. listen to you, talk to you about any legal options available, and then assist you with moving forward in the direction you choose. Our Paterson personal injury lawyers perform a wide range of services on your behalf, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Assessing the total value of your losses;
  • Handling any insurance and court filings within the time limit;
  • Investigating your accident and gathering evidence;
  • Interviewing witnesses;
  • Representing you in settlement negotiations; and
  • If necessary, taking your case forward to trial.

Contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. now. We have the experience and resources to settle or litigate even the most complex personal injury claims. There are no upfront legal fees or out-of-pocket costs for our services, and your consultation is completely confidential.

Types of Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims are civil lawsuits that allow victims of personal injury accidents the opportunity to recover monetary compensation for damages they incur. These damages can be personal, financial, or medical. Personal injury damages are the direct result of another person or company’s negligent actions or failure to act.

Personal injury claims may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Car accidents;
  • Truck accidents;
  • Motorcycle accidents;
  • Bus accidents;
  • Slip and falls;
  • Medical malpractice; and
  • Wrongful death.

Of the above claims, the most common are car accidents and slip and falls.

Recognizing Brain Injuries

Any personal injury accident may result in a range of injuries from small cuts and bruises to life-threatening head or brain injuries. Brain injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, can occur from any personal injury accident. Even a seemingly minor blow to the head can jar and damage the brain.

It is crucial to get medical attention immediately following any personal injury accident. Brain injuries are difficult to detect, and some can take days or even weeks to develop. It is helpful for victims and their family members to watch for signs and symptoms of brain injuries.

Signs and symptoms of brain injuries can include:

  • Headaches;
  • Dizziness;
  • Weakness or tremors;
  • Visual disturbances;
  • Problems with coordination, memory, and comprehension;
  • Sleep disturbances; and
  • Mood swings.

Like all catastrophic injuries, brain injuries are costly and need ongoing medical treatment. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our Paterson personal injury attorneys want you to receive the best medical care possible for your injuries. Maximizing compensation in a personal injury case is not for us; it is for you and your care.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer Today

The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. offer injured Paterson residents exceptional legal representation at no out-of-pocket costs or upfront fees. Contact us to schedule your free consultation today.