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Catastrophic Injury Attorneys in Teaneck

Hire An Award-Winning New Jersey Firm

Has your life been changed forever as a result of another’s negligent actions? In one single moment, an accident caused by reckless behavior can lead you to suffer a life-altering injury. Catastrophic injuries can present a wide range of problems, from mobility issues to sensory dysfunction. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our Union City and Teaneck catastrophic injury lawyers are known for our compassionate and aggressive representation in personal injury lawsuits.

Please give us a call now at (201) 928-0300 to learn about how our firm can help.

What Injuries Are Considered Catastrophic?

Catastrophic injuries are those which are life-altering and require long-term or permanent medical care, such as a brain injury or spinal cord injury. Losing a limb, losing your eyesight, suffering from paralysis, or experiencing permanent nerve damage are all injuries which would require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.

What are Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries?

Severe accidents are often preventable, caused by negligent or reckless behavior. These types of accidents can lead to severe injuries which can permanently alter your life. Filing a claim may be the only way to obtain compensation to cover your medical expenses and future care.

A few of the causes of catastrophic injuries may include:

Recovering Compensation for Serious Injuries

When you have suffered a catastrophic injury, the first step to take is to speak with a skilled catastrophic injury attorney in Teaneck or Union City about your unique situation. We take the time to review your case, investigate the accident, and question witnesses who were present at the scene.

If we establish that you have grounds to file a claim, you can rely on us to stand by your side, fighting for your rights and fair compensation. Our award-winning lawyers and legal team are dedicated to helping you file a successful claim and hold the responsible party accountable for their negligence.

Reach out to our firm now at (201) 928-0300 if you would like to speak with us about filing a claim in New Jersey.