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Teaneck Medical Malpractice Attorney

When you are injured or ill and need medical care and go to see a doctor, you expect and trust that they will provide you with the highest quality care. The last thing you expect is that a doctor or medical professional will hurt you or leave you in worse condition than when you arrived for care. Unfortunately, medical malpractice is starting to become more common as a result of negligent and lazy behavior.  Our Teaneck medical malpractice lawyers work tirelessly to hold these negligent parties accountable.

If you or a loved one were hurt as a result of negligent medical care, turn to our legal team at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. Contact us at (201) 928-0300 to make an appointment.

What Actions Constitute Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice is a term which refers to any action or lack of action on behalf of a medical professional which leads to a patient being injured. If you have suffered preventable illness or pain as a result of a healthcare professional’s failure to adhere to the proper standard of care, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. Our Teaneck medical malpractice lawyers are committed to helping individuals like yourself recover damages from the healthcare professionals who have caused you injury or harm.

We offer representation for the following types of claims:

Holding Negligent Healthcare Professionals Accountable

Medical mistakes can lead to lasting injuries that alter your life and require a significant amount of long-term care. We believe that healthcare professionals should be held responsible for their behavior when it leads to illness or injury. You do not have to experience pain and suffering on your own. Our legal team is here to help you file a successful medical malpractice lawsuit.

A few examples of individuals who may be held responsible for your injuries include:

  • Specialists who fail to diagnose you properly or in time
  • Nurses or healthcare professionals who make medication errors
  • Generalists who miss symptoms of illness in time
  • OB nurses or obstetricians who behave negligently, leading to birth injury
  • Surgeons who make mistakes during surgery

Contact a Teaneck Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical malpractice cases can be incredibly difficult and complex. Without the assistance of an experienced medical malpractice lawyer, these cases can get very complicated. If you or a loved one have suffered injuries resulting from a health care professionals negligence, we are here to help.

Our law firm offers free consultations for medical malpractice cases. Our Teaneck medical malpractice attorneys can be contacted at (201) 928-0300 or through our online contact form.  We are proud to serve Teaneck and the entire state of New Jersey with medical malpractice legal resources and can explain your legal options in both English and Spanish.