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Teaneck School Bus Accident Lawyers

School buses are some of the largest vehicles. These large vehicles frequently share the road with other cars and are often unstable due to their size. Additionally, most school buses are carrying a variety of young children or teens and they may not all be wearing seat belts at any given time. If an accident occurs, all of the kids inside the bus can suffer serious injuries. Other motorists or passengers may suffer injuries as a result if the bus rolls over or hits another vehicle.

Contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C. today at (201) 928-0300 to speak with a Teaneck school bus accident attorney.

Teaneck School Bus Accident Attorneys

If your child was hurt in a school bus accident, you are likely panicking and not sure who to turn to. Filing a lawsuit may not immediately be on your mind, but it should be. Once your child has received proper medical care, consulting with one of the best Teaneck school bus accident lawyers is in your interest. We are here to hold school bus companies, drivers, and additional parties responsible if their negligent behavior or reckless driving led to the accident.

We strive to recover compensation for:

Contact a Teaneck School Bus Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you love was injured in a school bus accident, you can count on our legal team of experienced Teaneck School bus accident lawyers to thoroughly investigate the accident and determine who was at fault, while holding them accountable. We may talk with police officers or witnesses, as well as deal with the insurance provider. Our firm has the necessary experience and dedication to file a personal injury claim on your behalf, recovering fair compensation to cover your medical bills and expenses.

To discuss the specifics of your case with our law firm call us at (201) 928-0300 or contact us through our online form. Our attorneys have more than ninety years of combined legal experience serving victims of personal injuries in Teaneck and the entire state of New Jersey. We know how difficult these stressful times can be and we’re here to help.