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Union City Construction Injury Lawyer

Construction Injury in Union City

If you or a loved one were injured in a construction accident, the Union City construction injury lawyers at The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., may be able to help. Our attorneys are experienced at handling construction site injuries and are familiar with the federal and state regulations surrounding these types of claims.

At The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., we have the following:

  • More than 90 years of combined legal experience
  • The resources needed to go up against any insurance company
  • Fearless, trial-ready attorneys

Let us help you navigate construction injury laws and recover compensation for your losses. To have an attorney review your case at no cost or obligation to you, contact The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C.

What Can a Construction Injury Attorney Do For Me?

It’s important to contact a construction injury attorney to help with your injury claim. There are numerous, complex laws concerning personal injuries and construction sites. There are also multiple liable parties on a construction site.

An experienced Union City construction injury attorney can:

  • Determine liability for the injury, whether that is a construction site owner, general contractor, sub-contractor, manufacturers of faulty equipment, or another third-party.
  • Conduct a thorough investigation of medical records and estimate present and future losses due to your injury.
  • Collect evidence from the construction site, witness statements, and parties related to the incident.
  • Pursue negotiations or trial, if necessary, to recover compensation from all liable parties.

At The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., we provide the resources to investigate your case. There are no upfront charges, and we only get paid if we win.

Common Construction Site Accidents

Although the construction industry employs safety permits, regular inspections, and job safety programs, avoidable accidents still happen. Construction site accidents are often the result of negligence, product defects, and failure to adhere to safety policies and procedures.

Some of the most common construction site accidents include:

  • Crane, hoist, and harness accidents
  • Collapsed structures
  • Improper use, maintenance, or failure of equipment
  • Compressed gases
  • Mechanical hazards
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Falls of all types
  • Fires and explosions
  • Scaffolding accident
  • Electrical accidents
  • Welding accidents
  • Falling objects

Cell tower accidents are increasingly more prevalent due to consumer demand and dangerous working conditions.

Construction Injury Liability

Generally, an employee cannot file a lawsuit against their employer unless their employer intentionally harmed them. Instead, an employee files for Workers’ Compensation benefits. However, an employee can file a lawsuit against a third-party.

Examples of third-parties at a construction site are the following:

  • Construction site owners
  • General and sub-contractors
  • Prime contractors
  • Architects and engineers
  • Manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers of a defective product that causes an injury

Steps to Take if Injured in a Construction Accident

When injured in a construction accident, take these steps to preserve your legal rights.

  • Get prompt medical attention for the injury and perform any recommended follow-up care.
  • Report the injury to the employer or supervisor on duty.
  • Ask for a copy of the injury report.
  • Write down names and phone numbers of witnesses.
  • Take photographs of the injury, the scene of the injury, and any equipment involved.
  • Contact a Union City construction injury lawyer to learn more about any legal options.

Do not make any statements or sign any settlement paperwork without discussing your case with a Union City personal injury lawyer.

Call us today

At The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our Union City construction injury attorneys inform you about the options available in your case and the possible settlement outcomes. Contact us today for a free consultation via our online contact form or by calling us at (201) 928-0300. Our experienced attorneys offer our legal services to serve the state of New Jersey.