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Union City Medical Malpractice Lawyer

If you suspect that you or a loved one were the victim of medical malpractice, you need legal representation. At The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our experienced medical malpractice attorneys help victims and families who suffer negligent or reckless behavior at the hands of medical professionals.

The attorneys at The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., have:

  • A reputation for success and results among our clients
  • Resolved over a thousand cases, including six and seven-figure settlements and verdicts
  • More than 90 years of combined legal experience

Medical professionals are human and capable of making mistakes, but they are obligated to ensure the safety and health of their patients. Many medical malpractice cases are preventable, and victims have the right to file medical malpractice lawsuits and recover compensation for their injuries. Call The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., to learn more about your legal rights and to schedule your free consultation.

Why Do I Need a Union City Medical Malpractice Attorney?

It is always important to meet with a medical malpractice attorney if you believe you were injured due to the negligent or reckless actions, or inactions, of a medical professional. At The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our Union City medical malpractice attorneys do the following:

  • Provide a free consultation to review your legal options
  • Obtain and analyze your medical records
  • Advise you on whether to pursue a malpractice claim
  • If we decide together to pursue your claim, file a medical malpractice lawsuit
  • Represent your best interests in settlement negotiations
  • If no settlement agreement is reached, take your case to court

Contact The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., to learn more about how our Union City medical malpractice lawyers help our clients recover compensation for their injuries and move forward with their lives. There are no upfront fees. We speak both English and Spanish.

What is Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice is treatment, or the omission of treatment, by a physician or another medical professional that deviates from the accepted standards of care and causes injury to a patient. An accepted standard of care is what a reasonably careful medical professional would do in the same or similar circumstances.

A successful medical malpractice claim must demonstrate the medical professional:

  • Had a legal duty to provide care or treatment to the patient
  • Breached this duty by failing to adhere to recognized standards of care
  • The breach in duty caused the injury suffered by the patient

Once medical malpractice is established, the goal of compensation for the victim is to make them whole again or put them as close to their condition before the accident as possible.

What are Common Types of Medical Malpractice?

There are always risks involved in medical treatments and procedures. However, no patient can assume the medical errors and omissions that are commonly cited in malpractice cases. In the most severe medical malpractice cases wrongful death can occur.

These include the following:

  • Surgical error, such as operating on the wrong part of the patient’s body, removing the wrong organ, using unsanitary tools, and closing a wound with instruments still inside the body.
  • Emergency room error, including missed or improper diagnosis, medication errors, or errors in the treatment of patients’ problems.
  • Diagnostic error, through not obtaining complete medical histories from new patients or ignoring symptoms of serious medical conditions, such as cancer or infections.
  • Medication error, using the wrong drug, the wrong dosage, or administering medication at improper intervals, or with other medication that reacts badly together.
  • Birth injury, before, during, or soon after birth when a doctor or nurse fails to notice signs of trouble or does not act in a timely manner when an emergency arises.
  • Medical equipment failure, due to improper training or maintenance, or manufacturer error.
  • Medical errors caused by overworked, under trained, or inexperienced medical personnel.

Any action or omission that a reasonably prudent health care practitioner would not have committed in the same similar circumstances can constitute medical malpractice if it harms a patient in New Jersey. If you are not sure whether your incident meets the definition of medical malpractice, an attorney can investigate on your behalf.


What Parties Can Be Held Responsible for Medical Malpractice? 

If a medical error is defined as medical malpractice, one or more parties may be held legally and financially responsible (liable) for your injuries and losses. Identifying the correct defendant is an important part of your medical malpractice claim. In general, the defendant is any person or party who committed an inappropriate or negligent act in connection to your medical care. This could be a number of parties, including:

  • A doctor. The physician presiding over your care may be liable for an injury or illness if he or she is guilty of an oversight or lack of care in treating you. This can include a primary care physician, surgeon, dentist, chiropractor, anesthesiologist, radiologist and many other types of health care professionals.
  • Nurses and support staff. Other types of workers can also be responsible for medical malpractice or errors in patient care, including Physician Assistants, nurses, nursing home staff members, medical staff and maintenance crewmembers. 
  • A hospital or facility. A hospital, clinic, surgical center, birthing center or another health care facility in Union City could be responsible for your injury if it was negligent in how it cared for your needs. Examples of malpractice include emergency room errors, understaffing, communication problems, breaches of privacy, and unsanitary or poorly maintained premises.
  • Emergency medical technicians. EMTs and paramedics have to work under more stressful and chaotic circumstances than most practitioners, but they still must adhere to the proper standards of patient care. Falling short of these standards could place liability for a patient injury or death on the technician.
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers. In some cases, pharmaceutical manufacturers are liable for defective or malfunctioning products or drugs that harm patients. Failing to accompany a drug with an adequate warning label, for example, could place legal responsibility for a related patient illness or death with the manufacturer.

If an individual physician is responsible for your injuries or illness, your claim may go to his or her personal insurance provider. This would be the case if the physician was acting as an independent contractor hired to work at a hospital or doctor’s office. If the practitioner is an employee of a larger health care center or hospital, however, the facility may be vicariously liable as the employer. Identifying all liable parties in your case can help you maximize your financial recovery as an injured patient in New Jersey.

What Damages Can Be Recovered From a Medical Malpractice Claim in New Jersey?

Obtaining just financial compensation from one or more negligent parties can give your family the money that it needs to pay for related expenses and move forward. New Jersey law allows for the recovery of many different monetary damages (compensation), both economic and noneconomic. You may be eligible to recover the following types of damages from your medical malpractice lawsuit:

  • Medical expenses and hospital bills
  • Lost wages and financial earning ability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of life satisfaction
  • Punitive damages

Discuss the potential value of your medical malpractice case with one of our attorneys for more information. We will give you an accurate estimate of how much your case is worth. Then, we will use this as a baseline for our negotiations with an insurance provider. Jeffrey S. Hasson is passionate about bringing wrongdoers to justice in the health care industry and will work tirelessly to fight for fair financial compensation for your past and future losses.

Reach Out To Our Union City Medical Malpractice Lawyers

At The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Hasson, P.C., our Union City medical malpractice attorneys are passionate about fighting for our clients and motivated by the needs of their families. We offer personalized case solutions that fit your situation. Call us at (201) 928-0300 or contact us via our online form to schedule a free consultation. Our law firm has 90+ years of combined experience serving Union City and all of New Jersey.